Gotro Audience Review: Fans Are In Love With This Mother-Son Relationship, Says Film Teaches Humanity Is Only Religion
The film was released on August 23 and people coming out of the theaters had only one thing to say that the film send out great message to everyone. The film features Nigel Akkara, Anashua Majumdar and Manali Manisha Dey in the lead role

The film was released on August 23 and people coming out of the theaters had only one thing to say that the film send out great message to everyone. The film teaches that humanity is the biggest religion anyone should practice.
Here are some reactions of the audience
Sayan Das wrote, “Today I saw a film #Gotro much good of this movie...a big social massage have in this movie....thank you so much #shivu da & #nandita di....#windowsproductionhouse.”
Today I saw a film #Gotro much good of this movie...a big social massage have in this movie....thank you so much #shivu da & #nandita di....#windowsproductionhouse
— Sayan Das (@SayanDa60475711) August 23, 2019
#Gotro it is amazing to see how @shibumukherjee @nanditawindows churn out outstanding movies one after another with their brilliant storylines. Super performance @Nigel_Akkara @ManaliManishaDe #AnashuaMajumdar @OM_Sahani15 @DevlinaKumar @onindochatt @WindowsNs 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
— Ranjan Sinha (@RanjanSinha_) August 24, 2019
@shibumukherjee @nanditawindows @Nigel_Akkara @anashuamajdar @ManaliManishaDe @shreyaghoshal @imanmusic
— S.K.Majumder (@S_K_Majumder) August 25, 2019
Kudos to team #Gotro for reminding us to be HUMAN first. This is badly needed now, when the emotions of our country is being divided based on religion with political vendetta!
@shibumukherjee Truly #Gotro was worth watching.. ineffable performance by each & every cast members, not to forget members behind the camera too..inorder to put up such a transcendent piece of work..
— Mouparna Dev (@DevMouparna) August 25, 2019
Panther director Anshuman Pratyush wrote, “Just watched #Gotro. All I can probably manage to say is WOW. All actors were in top form and the content connected as perfectly as possible. Brilliant moments. @shibumukherjee and #NanditaDi, you guys are undoubtedly masters of your craft. Thank you for the wonderful experience.”
Just watched #Gotro. All I can probably manage to say is WOW. All actors were in top form and the content connected as perfectly as possible. Brilliant moments. @shibumukherjee and #NanditaDi, you guys are undoubtedly masters of your craft. Thank you for the wonderful experience.
— Anshuman Pratyush (@a_pratyush) August 23, 2019
Cinema has the biggest influence on us and it is cinema that can bring about social awareness in all of us
— rajchoco (@iamrajchoco) August 24, 2019
Go watch #Gotro at your nearest theaters!
Mukti Debi played by Anashua Majumdar is a devotee of Lord Radha Krishna and her house is named Gobinda Dhaam. Her only son has settled in abroad. She has no relatives with her but she has many members in her house. Jhuma, played by Manali Manisha Dey is one whom she considers as her own daughter. Then there is his son’s friend, the priest who takes care of the temple in the house. Then there is one more member Tariq Ali played by Nigel Akkara. Mukti Debi likes him almost like her own son. The focus is on the bond between Mukti Debi and Tariq Ali who is from a different religion.
Image Source:- twitter/SayanDa60475711/status/RanjanSinha_/status/S_K_Majumder/status/DevMouparna/status/a_pratyush/status/iamrajchoco/status